Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ghana pulls ahead

Anyone who knows anything about me knows the long-running feud I've had with Ghana. It's not just its people. It's not just its failed educational system. It's not even its penchant for wearing too much cologne.

It's all of those things and more. It's personal.

Anyways, I'd get on the phone every week or two and kinda rub it in Ghana's face that I'd scored as many World Cup goals as it had. I take life's pleasures where I can find them.

But today Ghana broke through and scored a goal against the Czech Republic and then added another later in the match. So it's leading me two to nothing, and unfortunately I don't like my chances at scoring a pair of goals this World Cup. One? Maybe I could pull that off, depending on how much it would cost me to fly out to Germany and play. But two? I have many faults, but I tend to be realistic and two goals isn't going to happen.

So Ghana (and I know you're reading this!): you win this round...

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