Friday, June 9, 2006

Free Friday

There's still plenty that can go wrong (it is me, we're talking about) but today's been pretty good so far.

When I went to pay for parking this morning, someone had placed an all-day pass out for some lucky person (me, in this case) to use. Free parking... $11 saved.

When I got to work, we were having a meeting and there were scones. Free food.

For lunch, we went out to say goodbye to a co-worker (who's going back on her sailboat, living a life that sounds exciting by that I wouldn't do except perhaps at gunpoint). Free food.

(Two more "free" things: one the way back from the restaurant, I was discussing "The Office" with a co-worker and she mentioned David Brent's song "Freelove Freeway". When I got back to my desk, I read an article about federal monitoring of the net and Louis Freeh was quoted.)

The weather has been nice, which is great even when I'm stuffed behind three monitors all day. I am home at a reasonable hour and I'm going to take a nice nap before I go out... there's something delicious about taking a nap in the evening when it's sunshining out.

Like I said: plenty of time for the day/evening to go wrong. But so far, so good.

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