Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Saw This on the Interwebz...

So I saw this somewhere or other and I have some things to say about it... watch the video so we have a shared knowledge base.

  • My brother uses (used?) an alter ego where he claimed he was a hand model. George Costanza was a hand model. Neither of them are quite as annoying as the chick in this video.
  • I received a pedicure when I visited Las Vegas in June of 2007 (or so) and was told I have "flawless feet". Maybe I should pursue a career as a foot model.
  • The way she moves her hands... woah. Creepy. Her hands are in perma-claw mode... except claws presumably have a bit of strength to then. Her hands look like noodles that are about two minutes away from being al dente.
  • "So for me, that means no cooking, no cleaning, no taking out the garbage... no gardening, no sports." Hmm... I've already got the "lazy" part of being a hand model down.
  • "These hands have not seen the light of day for ... about fifteen years." Another thing we have in common!
  • "Most people are still really amazed that I can make a full-time living off, you know, about five inches." Uhh... no comment.