Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Some things

Some things sound like good ideas at the time. When a series of good-sounding, truly bad, ideas occur to--and are acted upon by--a person in sequence, bad things can happen, videlicet:

-- going to bed at 9:30 because one is feeling very tired
-- getting out of bed at 3:15 AM to stretch one's legs
-- having a big glass of chocolate milk at 3:20 AM to quench one's thirst
-- posting about insipid events on MySpace at 3:30 AM whilst the sugar buzz wears off

Granted, this isn't stealing-a-cop-car-stupid, or unprotected-sex-with-Brazilian-street-children-bad decisionmaking, but I really don't know what I was thinking last night/this morning.

I mean, really... using "videlicet" in a blog entry? Who does that?

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