Saturday, May 20, 2006

Down, down, down you go...

The first time I went out with any sort of plan as a single/divorced/available/whatever guy was on May 5. Cinco de Mayo meant a lot of people were out, and I had a good time singing karaoke and met a nice woman and had a very good time.

I went back out the next night, sang some more karaoke, talked to some people (almost all guys) and had a pretty good time.

After spending last weekend in Reno, I went out tonight, sang some karaoke, talked to almost nobody, and had a pretty lousy time.

Clearly this isn't supposed to be easy, and as someone who is relatively introverted and doesn't drink nor dance (although with the dancing deal I'll make selective exceptions) I expected it to be even harder. To talk to women and meet people and... enjoy myself wasn't something that I anticipated being simple for me.

But I'm in the middle of a tough time with it. I'd like to think that me going out would prep me for going out again, and instead it's seemingly getting worse.

The alternatives, of course, are to keep plugging away as I've done it, to go out and change my behavior, or to stay in. Those are actually the order in which I plan on attacking this: I'm not going to give up going out until I've had the shit totally kicked out of me for a long time (4 or 5 nights out is just a start in that respect) and I don't want to have to act unlike me unless the current me isn't capable of having a good time.

This is one long bitch session, and this is a reason that I never started a blog before. Anyone who's managed to make it this far: you have my apologies.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Although I'm sure you have tackled being single and dating women by now, I am in this same situation...only I'm a girl and I date guys. I've been divorced for almost two years and have dated one guy seriously until I found out he was a liar and one guy quasi-seriously until I found out he was a liar. I have a 10 year old and am on Mom Duty 24/7 (ex-hubby isn't exactly Father of the Year). When I am able to have Adult Time, I go out half of the time and stay in the other half. Either way, I am usually alone and I'm comfortable with myself. However, meeting somebody who is genuine is proving to be near impossible. I'm not lonely because I like myself and can find entertainment in almost anything but always being "Table For One" or "Table For Two with a Kid's Menu" can really be a downer at times. Good luck to you, Ed O.