Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I moved into my current apartment about 32 months ago. When I moved in, I brought my TV and my couch and my bed and innumerable boxes of stuff.

In comparison to my previous, cave-like, apartment, my new place was magnificent. Natural light! Enough room for my computer and my TV in the same room! I didn't have to stack my cats, I had so much room.

So I set my stuff up, and it worked well enough. Eventually I moved some of the boxes, and I bought a shelf or two and put up some of my books. And it was good.

Fast forward 32 months, and I decided to change things around.

It started off as a need to clean my apartment. The problem is that I feel that urge frequently, and I act upon it frequently, but... let me present it graphically:

I'm sure that needs no explanation, but please indulge me (I did make these nifty graphics, after all (I actually stole one from the Web and then modified it... fair use, suckers!)

I want my apartment clean. I want it to look something like this:

Instead, it tends to look like this. Dirty and disorganized:

Unfortunately, that homogeneous representation is not realistic. It's more like this, with the red being stuff like dishes, vacuuming, kitty litter cleaning, etc.:

So I start to straighten my place. I WANT to clean it. I want to have neither red nor greenish liquid in my metaphorical glass. But, alas, I have limited energy, and my straw is all the way at the bottom of the glass, so I get this:

Not bad. The liquid level is lower... but my stomach is full. So I rest, and plan on taking care of it later. But, unfortunately, over time the red stuff accumulates again:

Even worse? The red stuff sinks to the bottom of the glass. The dishes pile up. The sheets need cleaning. The corpses need to be put through the acid bath. Whatever. So... I'm back to:

And then I get into the cycle where the last three states are repeated. I'm treading water, except insofar as (not represented graphically) the green stuff starts to accumulate, too.

It's no bueno.

This time, though? I've broken the cycle. My place is a fucking MESS, but I've broken the cycle. We'll see what colors the liquids are when I'm done...


Unknown said...

Sweet lord above...the status of my apt is the exact same. I have more red than green right now though.

Frank E. said...

I'm glad you're taking the initiative. For some reason I sleep better at night knowing my place is generally clean, but most importantly, organized. I have a bit of OCD so I'm not a good person to offer any advice. I will say that I think you should get out the blender and blend the liquids and move everything around and see what you get.