Thursday, November 5, 2009

Two Unrelated Things

A couple of funny (strange, with a hint of haha) things from my life the last couple of days:

Adam Lambert Once Removed

I arrived at work one morning this week and I was greeted by a coworker who told me to hold on and called another coworker out to tell me "the story".

This second coworker came out and told me the following story:

I have a friend named Thomas [name changed]. Thomas is from San Diego and he knows Adam Lambert and was at a party with him last night.

("Cool," I'm thinking, "Maybe he showed him a picture of my Halloween costume.")

So I was thinking, Thomas has hooked up with Adam, so if you hooked up with Thomas it would be like you hooked up with Adam.

I appreciate his creativity, and it's a small world, but I don't think I'm going to be making that a top priority.

Sad Songs Say So Much

For many years now, I have played guitar. I don't play it that well, but I can strum chords and whatever. A couple of years ago I wrote some music and challenged myself to write, record and edit a song within three hours. It was a good limitation because it challeneged me and it forced me to accept imperfections in what I produced (rather than having nothing finished because it didn't sound quite right).

I have almost twenty songs that I've written and enjoy listening to because they bring back memories--good and bad--and because I have some level of pride in them, for all their faults.

The other night I had my Windows Media Player just going through songs in order and my songs came up and I noticed that the songs that I wrote specifically for other people (and by "people" I mean, as I so often do, "women") rarely elicited a positive response from the inspiration. Like, maybe two out of five... which is lower than I would have expected if I had never written songs for a chick.

Women that I do not write the songs for seem to like them, but ... yeah. It's sort of depressingly predictable that I would wait until something took a bad turn and then a silly song wouldn't sway them.

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