Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Two Wrong Thoughts

Some thoughts I have have great pith. Some do not. Of those that do not, occasionally I have a thought that is so ... wrong ... that I savor it. Here are two brief examples of the "wrong" variety.

First Thought:

We were celebrating TM2000's bday over the weekend and four people came up to the bar, three women and a dude, all dressed in white. Three of them were caucasian and one was African American.

I was sorely tempted to approach them with this icebreaker:

"So... you guys clearly are just coming back from an all white party. Did she have trouble getting in?"

Even typing that makes me wince. But giggle. If there is a hell for "White Guilt Rejection Leading to Borderline Racist Thoughts" people (which there is, if Dante is to be believed), I might in some trouble.

Second thought:

I was in a prep meeting yesterday for work. We had a PowerPoint deck open and were adjusting it as the team thought things through. One of my coworkers was driving and he made a horrific typo. Not a "they're"/"their" typo, but like a "consensus"/"conscious" error.

It was actually perhaps a vocabulary/word finding error, more than a typo.

He followed it up with a few more words that were not spelled well, and two of the guys in the group eventually cracked up. I, being the new guy and master of the poker face (I can say that since I never play poker, so I haven't had that illusion shattered just yet), maintained a deadly silence.

The guy eventually handed over the laptop to one of the gigglers, who made an intentionally terrible typo before laughing and commenting that typing in front of people is bad.

Which might be true. Typing can be difficult, along with some other tasks. I remember the first time I played my guitar in front of more than one person... even though it was in front of merely six of my closest (at the time) friends, I fumbled and bumbled and got all flustered.

So after thinking about how much I might stink at typing in front of other people, I think that I have a newfound respect for male porn actors.

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