Thursday, September 24, 2009

Props to Propaganda

I am not really a TV snob. First of all, the snobbiest of all TV snobs are those that don't own television... that might be like calling an atheist the most godly of all men, but I prefer to think that TV people would watch television if there were enough value there for them (they'd be able to squeeze in reading and hiking and masturbating into their routine around TV if there were). Very few atheists would believe in a god if only there were better options.


I used to really dislike shows like Cops and shows dedicated to high speed car chases. And when I say "used to", I mean until about an hour ago.

An hour ago I was at the gymnasium (I'm gonna call it that for a while, rather than the gym, just so you know) and I was on the elliptical machine and I was straining my neck to see the end of a Mariners'-Blue Jays game that I didn't really care about (although if I had picked up Aardsma early this year, I might be winning my fantasy league). It went to commercial, and I saw the TV in front of me for the first time this evening. And I liked what I saw.

I usually ignore TVs without sports on them in the gymnasium, because I have seen too many "Animal Rescue" shows and I hate having to hold back tears as I try to sweat. Except in bed, but I don't want to talk about it.

If it's not Animal Planet, it's the Food Network, which is boring. Unless it makes me hungry. Either way, it sucks.

Tonight, though? Some sort of high speed chase show, where cops chase ne'er-do-wells. It was exciting, it was easy to watch. And I loved it.

One of the reasons I liked it so much is because of the overwhelming sense of... law and order. I dunno how else to describe it. It shows people acting poorly, and it showed incidents that explain why so many cops are on edge (one guy got out of his car and charged a cop car and his mom got out of the car and yelled at the officer; he had to wait for backup before he even wanted to talk to the guy because he didn't want it to get out of hand; another involved a chase that ended with an officer getting shot three times and left for dead on the freeway after he went to write the guy a ticket).

I'm generally very supportive of law enforcement. Sure, there are bad cops, just like there are bad teachers and bad musicians. But most have our best interests at heart, I feel, and I can understand that their training makes them appear to be assholes. It's just the way it is.

The show, though, sort of reminds me of elements of Starship Troopers (a GREAT dark comedy, in my opinion). Here's a portion of the movie where the media is rallying the public to support the war against the aliens:


Even as I support the cops, and even as I enjoyed the show, I couldn't help but savor the whiff of propaganda. It was an opportunity for people to think, "Hell, yeah! Those guys are heroes!" Which they may be, but... I dunno. It just is so one-sided that I find it hard to take seriously.

Which is perfect as I huff and puff and try not to count down the remaining minutes during cardio.

1 comment:

Apilado's said...

How do you feel about Godly cops?