Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Short Karaoke Conversation

I hosted at Ozzie's last night. The bar needs to be empty of patrons by 2:00 AM, so we usually stop playing music upstairs (where I was hosting) at about 1:25 AM.

At 1:28 AM, people were being herded out and I was standing behind my karaoke podium/desk thing when I was approached by a woman in a low-cut dress. This conversation ensued:

Me: Hey! How are you?
Her: I'm OK... listen. Listen...
Me: OK. I'm listening.
Her: I will show you my BOOBS if you play Journey.
Me: What?
Her: I will show you my BOOBS if you play, uh, "Don't Stop Believing".
Me: Well... I can pretty much see your boobs right now.
Her: ...
Me: And I'd bet there's some guy here who'd beat me up if you did that.
Her: Pshhhh... listen. Are you interested? I'll show you ALL of my boobs if you play Journey.
Me: All of your boobs? How many do you have? Three?
Her: What?
Me: ...
Her: Stop being a dick. Do you want to see my boobs or not?
Me: I'm sorry, no. I can't play music any longer tonight and we don't have that song up here, in any event. Thanks for coming out and hope you had fun!
Ah, man. I was being a dick. It was pretty fun.


Estolano in San Diego said...

That's pretty funny- but I'm assuming the lady in question wasn't very attractive.

Unknown said...

Funny Ed....funny....sounds like she really need someone to give her attention that night....good job!