Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blogger's Block

I am not really a writer, although I write. I feel like saying I have "writer's block" would be presumptuous, but as I reevaluate maybe I'm being odd for thinking that way.

In any event, I have had blogger's block. Most of the time I can just start typing and something pops up... every once in a while something happens to me that I have to blog about, but most of the time it just feels like I should be typing. Something.

Lately? Though. I got nothing.

Not that nothing has happened in my life. Stuff has happened. My cats started vomiting because I switched food for a couple of days. I did laundry this week. I went to the gym a time or two.

See how exciting my life is? How can I not have a million great blogs just waiting to bust out of my skull?

There have actually been two ideas that I've been considering, but one is merely half-baked at the moment and the other is already baked.

In inverse order, I am about 90% sure that a couple of years ago I wrote a Celebrity Malthusian blog... about how the number of celebrities has grown exponentially, and someday we are simply going to be overwhelmed by the reports of their deaths.

Lately it seems celebrities are dying on a twice-weekly basis. Michael Jackson. Farrah Fawcett. Billy Mays. Bill Clinton. Steve McNair. Walter Cronkite. There are more... I'm just rattling those off my head.

The thing about the blog is that I have it in my head, and I'm almost certain I wrote it. But I haven't found it yet. I still have a hundred blogs or so that I need to move from MySpace to Blogger, but it's a pain and my brain has categorized it as "work", so I have been slow to port them over. Someday.

Rewriting that blog seems ridiculous, but if it doesn't exist yet it's going to be a fun one to rewrite.

Actually, maybe I should do that with more blogs: rewrite them. It'll be like comic books that keep reinventing the origins and specifics of superheroes. I can retell the tale of meeting Patrón. Or my Three's Company-like experience getting my haircut. Or when the Sonorans made fun of my white jeans.

It'll be, like, my life. But more interesting.


The second idea I have, and one that I think could work, is a blog about secrets. About how we all have populations of friends and acquaintances and--even when we strive to be honest--we can accumulate secrets. The gathering of the secrets is the easy part... it's a question of what you can safely tell to someone else, what you can assume other people know, and managing all of that.

I see a chart with pawn-like icons indicating different friends and their levels of knowledge of one another and any given bit of info one might have. It could be kinda cool.

But it's not ready to be written. Not quite yet.

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