Monday, April 7, 2008

Not a huge Facebook fan, but...

I have a Facebook page. I’ve spent about 0.02% of the time there that I have on MySpace... I am not a big fan of installing apps and things on my page, and without doing that there’s simply not much to Facebook.

Especially since MySpace just copies ideas (tagging images, for example) that seem to be popular. It’s like Facebook is a test bed for ideas and MySpace can just pick and choose the best ones.

Anyway... the reason I’m writing this blog is because (a) I don’t have class anymore, so I have more free time, and (b) Facebook has a cool feature that appears to be new. Of course, I check my page once a week, so maybe I’ve just missed it.

The feature cross-checks the friends lists of all of your friends and looks for shared friends. A couple of people popped right out at me, and there were a couple of random people. I enjoy the random people more.

How does my company’s former intern share a Facebook friend with a woman that lived on my floor my freshman year? I have no idea. But it’s interesting to contemplate and I wish MySpace had a similar feature.

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