Thursday, April 3, 2008

Key numbers

Here are some key numbers from our stay thus far in Mexico:

300. The aproximate bitrate of the internet connection in the hotel.

165. Number of pesos I paid for a Redbull and vodka. At about 10 pesos to the dollar, that is... fucking ridiculous.

100. Approximate number of Mexican karaoke bar visitors who sat, stunned, as I sang "Don’t Stop Believing" last night.

50. Percentage of batched images that have failed during upload as I kill time, waiting for them to finish uploading.

22. The number of times that "That’s what she said" has been offered as a joke by the four of us combined. Metareferences are not included.

13.5. Average age of girls at Senor Frogs when we went there last night. Not really, but... man. Young. Almost too young. (That’s a joke, of course. There’s no "too young" in Mexico. I looked it up.)

6. Number of gringos present last night when I sang "Don’t Stop Believing".

5. Number of songs we’ve sung, combined, at aforementioned karaoke bar.

3. Degree of sunburn on my right forearm. Damn. Missed a spot.

3. The number of nights we have remaining.

0. Number of fights and man hours spent in jail on this trip. So far.

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