Sunday, April 20, 2008

Memory + Apathy = Creeping Out Civilians

This is blog number 251. I have only been drinking for 6 months, so most of my blogs have been written while sober. In fact, I think this is blog number 3 or so made whilst I'm hammered.

This is also only the second blog where I've sent the involved parties a message letting them know that they are featured in the blog. Usually it's either featuring people I know read my blog or people I do NOT know and who will (probably) never read it.

As I just txted to Travelmate 2000, I just had an excellent mini-adventure.

In case people don't know, I've met a couple girls in the 2+ years I've been single. Well, more than a couple. Of these, I've taken a fair number out for drinks or whatever, and (as evidenced by my currently single status) most of these date situations have ended in one person not calling or not being interested in more than friendship.

Of course, these women don't disappear into the ether. They do not, as a mere result of my absence of a continued relationship with them, cease to be. Through some peculiar cosmis twist, they continue to exist and live their lives and (occasionally) cross paths with me.

Normally, that's cool.

I don't lie to people and I don't feel like I leave (m)any people on bad terms. When I see these people (women) I can look them in the eye... and, quite often, I'd be willing to take them out for dinner or drinks.

Tonight I saw a female person that I went out for drinks with. This was only once, and it was some time ago... maybe 8 or 9 months ago. She is an attractive and intelligent woman (one of my friends, shockingly enough, called her "marriage material") but she, after hanging out with me once, said she was seeing someone else and ... blah blah blah.

(I take her at her word that she was seeing someone else. For the record, thought, this was before I started drinking and my teetotalling ways rubbed some people the wrong way. Whatever.)

I'd exchanged emails with Marriage Material a couple of times, and I'd bumped into her at Ozzies, as well. We weren't MySpace friends, but I had checked out her page. Further, the first night I met her she was there with an attractive female friend--and I'm very good at remembering names and info of attractive women.

Anyway... tonight I'd been out and about town. Because I'd been slammed at work and because I spent a (dry) night hosting at Ozzies last night, I imbibed a little bit tonight. Travelmate 2000, Flowers (new nickname; previously Morpheus) and I went to Belltown before bouncing to Ozzies.

I had a reasonably good time singing and mingling and I was feeling well as I started to walk home. As I approached the corner of Mercer and 1st Ave W (headed home alone; obviously not TOO good of a night), I spotted a group of women who were dolled up, waiting for the walk sign to change.

Because I am me, and because I was drunk, I said hello. Then I noticed that Marriage Material was among the group. She remembered me and introduced me to the four (or so) other girls, and one of them was the person that I had met (briefly) that first night.

As another point of disclosure: I used to be on I actually have at least two significant adventures, the nature of which I cannot blog about here, that arose as a result of my membership there. Although I canceled my membership there some 6 months ago, I still receive emails where the service recommends chicks that I might be interested in, in the hopes that I will sign up again and give them some money.

I mention this because about a month ago I saw that Marriage Material's friend was a recommendation. I never act upon these emails, but I look at them because Seattle is a small town, and I'm curious. And because I have a pretty good memory.

So tonight. It was five girls and me, standing at a corner. Marriage Material introduced me to the girls and I mentioned something about my company in relation to her company that I probably wouldn't have said sober. Then someone asked me how I knew her and, or maybe I just blurted out it out that, I had gone out with Marriage Material but it was when I wasn't drinking, and that maybe she had been creeped out by that.

I then proceeded to make a joke about how I started using heroin, so I'm sure she would be into me, and that heroin hadn't ever hurt anyone.

My heroin joke was met with pretty much stone silence. But I don't base my own entertainment on the reactions of others. I took it up a notch.

I turned to Marriage Material's friend and I said, "You're on, aren't you?" She kinda looked a bit surprised, and it was HILARIOUS how the group of females reacted.

One of them literally put her body between me and the friend, like because I knew that I was going to try to hump her on the sidewalk.

Another said something like, "You've got a great chance now!"

I didn't laugh at them, because I don't blame them for acting like chicks do. I explained to them that I had a pretty good memory, and that I had seen her in a recommendation email.

That didn't sit too well, and it didn't assuage their fears that I am some sort of stalker. Fortunately (for me) I don't really give a shit. They honestly seem like nice women... smart and nice and definitely attractive. I am just enjoying how, when I really act like myself, it tends to freak people out.

They proceeded north on 1st Ave W, but peeled off to the west, presumably to their car, and I laughed all the way home.

I plan on sending both Marriage Material and her friend a link to this blog. I'm sure it'll be a big hit.

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