Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Have you ever seen Reservoir Dogs? If you haven't, then you should. It is, after all, one of my top 10 movies.

If you've seen it, then you may or may not remember the following clip. If you have not seen it, you should be able to watch this with minimal fear that any plot spoiling will occur. (Although you cannot watch it without lots of curse words occurring.)


(It's not letting me embed it. *grumble*)

For those of you who care not to watch it, it's Quentin Tarantino talking about the meaning of Madonna's song Like a Virgin. Basically he's claiming that it's about a woman who'd slept with a lot of guys, but then she meets a guy who makes her feel, physically, like she'd never had sex before.

Anyway, I was reminded of this over the weekend. I was at Ozzie's and I was having a drink and waiting to sing, and I heard something.

I've heard some things, in my years going to Ozzie's and other karaoke bars. I've heard some great singers and I've heard lots of mediocre singers and I've heard a massive number of bad singers.

After a while, one builds up a tolerance for terrible singing. One needs a toughness that allows sanity to remain without being overwhelmed by disgust or anger at the people who just aren't good singers.

I have a pretty high tolerance for bad singers... after all, almost everyone that sings is there to have fun, and being positive is much more healthy and fun than being negative.

With that being said, I heard something. I heard a singer that was very bad.

She was so bad, that she caused me pain. It hurt me.

It shouldn't hurt me, you know--my ears should be Bubble Yum by now--but when this chick sang it hurt. It hurt just like it did the first time.

What was it about her? A combination of things. Was she out of tune? Yes. Was she enthusiastically off-beat? Sure.

But she had that special something that made her resonate on a visceral level. I don't know what "it" is, but she had "it".

And I hope I don't see "it" again any time soon.

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RaisingOrleans said...
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