Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Lack Flavor

Let's talk politics here for a moment before I get into something that a chick told me over the weekend.

I don't vote. I appreciate that people vote (although I am torn between being relieved that there's not a true oligarchy and that too many "normal" people are just too stupid to be making laws that affect me) but I don't consider it to be worth my time.

I also tend to be more rightward-leaning on the political spectrum when I am bothered to think politics in practical terms, which means (a) that any vote I made would probably be useless, since it would be going in favor of the loser, and (b) it makes speaking politics very sketchy with people in real life because most other people are more emotional and/or cocksure about political perspectives than I am.

With this being said? I consider myself progressive on several issues, and when I go out and about on a Thursday night I rarely think about race (someone might say that's because the places I go are predominantly white, and there might be some validity to that). I was forced to think about it rather late this past, Thursday, though, because of an exchange I had with a woman at Ozzie's.

I was waiting for my turn to sing, and I was at the bar solo, and I was speaking to a nice young lady. She was Asian, but (in spite of the fact that so many of my friends are currently dating Asian women) that didn't really matter to me. Race, though, was clearly on her mind, and it became apparent about 15 seconds into our conversation:
Her: What are you?
Me: What?
Her: What are you?
Me: You mean, like, what? Like, "I am awesome"?
Her: No. Your race. Are you Asian?
Me: Oh, uh... well, my mom was adopted, but--
Her: Because I don't date white guys.
Me: [ignoring the fact that I didn't want to date her, necessarily] What? Why not?
Her: White guys lack flava.
Me: They lack flavor?
Her: Yeah, flava.
Me: Flavor. Uh, OK...
I think we had a few more sentences exchanged, but I wasn't about to debate her as to whether we have flavor or not, and she CLEARLY wasn't picking up on the fact that I was hitting the "r" in flavor pretty hard, just to goad her into calling me on it.

Boo, racism!

1 comment:

][V][atrix said...

I'm happy the Oligarchs no longer rule our country either. They lacked flavorrr