Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mysterious T-Shirt

I wore a rather mysterious t-shirt today. First, let me give you the visual:

It is a black t-shirt with a single, white line art element on the front. On the back there is an important clue:

It is mysterious because, to be honest with you, I have little to no recollection of where I got it from. I pulled it out from a bin of clothes I haven't worn in years (or ever) and I decided to wear it today as a reminder to try to research what the heck it's about.

A quick Web search won't get you what you want (at least in this case; if you want to know, say, the definition of "febrile" then it can help you out)... has a simple image on black with "A new site for a new year. Phantom Entertainment. Coming soon."

Not terrifically helpful.

It did, though, give me another keyword to search with. Googling "phantom game" led me to the Wiki entry for The Phantom (Game System).

And it started to come back to me.

A console that gets hooked up to the Internet and streams games to your living room for a monthly charge. A console that was supposed to revolutionize gaming. Wired's 2004 #1 Vaporwear product.

So I remember that. That's fine.

What I do NOT remember is where I got the t-shirt.

Was I working and got it as a give-away? Did I go to a convention or something and get it? Did I steal it from a homeless dude?

I don't know. And it's going to eat away at me, perhaps for the rest of my days...


John Harper said...

I will ease your suffering.

Cara briefly worked for Phantom.

Ed O said...

Ah-HA! It all fits together so nicely now. Thank you, Mr. H.

Ike Diamonds said...

That's pretty nice, but check this out: