Sunday, May 24, 2009

People are Mean

I'm drunk so hopefully this will be a rather short entry.

I went out to sing karaoke tonight (shocker) and  had some adult beverages (another shock). It's currently 1:44 AM and I'm waiting out the effects of the booze, txting, and looking for friends to chat with. In the mean time, I heard people outside of my window, talking loudly.

Three things:

  1. I am a big NBA fan. I love talking about the NBA and stats and whatever.
  2. I live on a corner that has a lot of foot traffic late at night, as people wander home from the bar.
  3. I think I'm a reasonably straightforward, nice guy.
So what do I make of the following conversation?
Drunk Pedestrian #1 (walking along the street): Dude, you don't know what you're talking about!
Drunk Pedestrian #2 (walking with DP1): Look... he's Kobe! You can't deny his stat line!
Me [brought to my window by the NBA talk at 1:40 AM, leaning out to talk to them as they walk away]: Can I just say that I love the NBA talk?
DP1: Fuck off.
Me: No! I'm being sincere. I love to hear people talking about stats and the NBA at this time of night.
Drunk Pedestrian #3: And another thing: Fuck off!
Really? A guy can't semi-inebriatedly comment on a drunk NBA chitter-chatter without being told to fuck off?

Boo, humanity.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That guy is a dipshit. There are like five of us NBA fans left. Embrace it!