Friday, September 2, 2011

First of all: Happy birthday to me.

Secondly: the actual blog entry.

Part of the reason that I write this blog is to document. Part of the reason I write is for chicks (clearly!). Part of the reason I write this blog is to ... ponder.

I don't fool myself into thinking that the couple hundred of people who "like" my blog read it regularly, and I'm pretty sure that not many others even know it exists, but pondering on this blog can be challenging because I know I do have an audience.

Which, of course, is part of the thrill.

Even if it's just a few people, though, I have a tendency to censor myself lately in this space in a way I never did back when it was, like, four people that were reading my MySpace blog.

I'm not complaining. I'm just saying.

I found a site, though, that gives me a private area to muse. One that uses a game layer to encourage me to participate daily.

And one that generates lots of stats. Which. I. Love.

The idea is that many of us like the concept of writing, but we don't do it as much as we'd like. We get distracted and/or intimidated on what people might think. gives a canvas to write about three pages (750 words) a day, in a totally private environment. Just to get writing and to encourage thinking.

There might be other sites like this, but I don't know them and don't care about them (they're not in my Monkeysphere). I do know this one, and I do like it. I've only made a single entry, and we'll see how long I can keep with it, but... so far, so good.

Here are a couple of screen grabs of the stats for my first entry. (Yes, I wrote for 20 minutes at work, and I feel bad about it, but it's my birthday so cut me some slack!)

I feel like I might be cheating a bit with my writing. I knew what I wanted to explore and what I, basically, want to write about--I've even mentioned it a few times on my blog--while perhaps a more "pure" experience would be writing whatever popped into my head on any given day.

But that's what this place is for. Hah.

So, I hope to explore and develop that idea on, and, at some point, come to some kind of resolution about the issue. I might pull entries over to this blog or I might just recap them... or they might end up in a different medium altogether.

1 comment:

Preciouskitten said...

Now I want to make a list of everyone I know and prioritize them.