Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why Valentine's Day is a Bit Early

I am not very familiar with the history of Valentine's Day. I could google is and know enough to write reasonably intelligently, but instead I'll just guess that it has something to do with pagan fertility rites that were co-opted by the Christian church.

Or is that Christmas? Or maybe Arbor Day?

In any case, I have never been a huge fan of Valentine's Day. I am not one that will go so far as to say that it's a holiday propped up by the Greeting Card Industry in cahoots with the Chocolate Cartel and the Flower Junta, but I will say that it seems like it's something that people take too seriously.

If one is in a relationship? I can see participating, and maybe it's a nice way to remind yourself to enjoy your relationship, fix it, or gtfo. Treating it like it's a mandatory sentence to buy this or that or do whatever... meh. It's a bunch of bullshit.

If one is not in a monogamous relationship? (And, based on the previous paragraph, you might correctly guess that I fall into this camp...) Valentine's Day might make someone feel alienated and alone. Which is crap, because there are 364.25 other days a year to remind yourself of that... why let one day, in particular, bum you out? So much better to spread out the isolation than to try to cram it all into one day.

Believe it or not, in my previous life, I actually participated in Valentine's Day unironically. Maybe there was never a huge bouquet of flowers, but I usually got The Ex something. Or maybe I'm just being charitable to my past self. I honestly don't really remember.

What I do remember during that time? We never celebrated Halloween. I think that during the time I spent with her, I dressed up once or twice. I wasn't upset about it at the time, but things are much different now.

Halloween is my favorite holiday right now. Not right this moment, perhaps, but in general.

I get to dress up. I get to see women dressed up. People are in a good mood. I get to see women dressed up.

It's just a great holiday.

Valentine's Day is, to me, the polar opposite of Halloween. It tends to be more formalized, and the women who dress up tend to be dressing up for another dude. No bueno.

In my opinion, then, Valentine's Day should be April 31: six months after Halloween.

It makes sense. To whom do I write a letter about this?


Unknown said...

There is no April 31. I'm really upset by this... unless you were being ironic :)

Ed O said...

I put it in there just to upset you, SML. I know that your life is tranquil and you need to be roused from your life of leisure and luxury.