Thursday, January 29, 2009

Number 300: Multimedia Extravaganza!

First an introduction: I have been sitting on writing blog number 300 for several days now. Not because I haven't had anything (any less) interesting (than normal) to write about, but because I have been putting pressure on myself to write something good.
Not like "chili cheese burrito" good or "eighteen flavors of cockblocking" good. Something actually good.

Which is silly. Anyone taking the time to read this blog has been previously entertained, has decided to take pity, or is currently being held at knifepoint. Very few people outside of Peru are paying for this blog, and so I should not put any pressure on myself.

Still and all, I felt it.

After much contemplation (actually about 18.7 seconds of actually thinking about it in the shower) I have decided to make blog number 300 a multimedia extravaganza. By "multimedia" I mean "text and video" and by "extravaganza" I mean "unnecessary and meaningless polysyllabic word".

So I've decided to videotape myself.


I should be more specific, huh? I have decided to videotape myself blogging.
Why would anyone care to see that? I don't know. Why would anyone ever care to read or see or hear or taste anything that I do? I don't know.

So. I'm tackling this blog in a way that I have not tackled one before. With video. I guess I just said that. Or, rather, typed it. Actually I did both because I am speaking the words aloud for the benefit of those people that prefer video. Or, perhaps, just want a glimpse behind the blog-making scenes.

Personally, I usually prefer text to video. Text, text, text. Who wants to see video when they can read? Actually, anything this side of porn I prefer to be in the written word. (Don't ask me what "this side of porn" means. That might be a topic for blog number 400.)

One issue is that YouTube, where I plan on placing the video, limits the length of video clips to ten minutes. Right now I'm already at seven and I haven't even officially started the blog.

Of course, maybe there really is no substantive blog to start. Maybe this is more of a meta-blog than a "real" blog.

For all of the pressure that I have put on myself about this blog entry, I am really not that concerned. There will be more blog entries after this. Some will be funny. Some will induce my friends to recommend MySpace allow "negative one million kudos". As long as I don't give the impression that I am mailing this one in, I will be happy simply to put it in my rear view mirror.

(Just so you know, as a parenthetical, I made a little joke before "view" that only the Web cam picked up. It was about 8.5 minutes in, I think, although now that I've built it up it won't be worth your time or effort unless you are already watching it and even then, it's questionable.)

I can make one substantive update on my life: my job search. After leaving my previous employer a few months ago, I have done some contract work and I had what I thought was a job lined up. After that fell through, I had the wind taken from my sails a bit and decided, rather than saying I was going to to look every day and then disappoint myself, to take some time to "decompress". Although, to be honest, I never really get that compressed.

This week I finished up my profile and I went to a career/networking event to talk to people. It was an indication of the gravity of the situation that I managed to be in a room full of women for over an hour without hitting on even one. I got a few business cards (for actual business use! Amazing!) and have followed up.

One interesting possibility, which remains remote but still interesting, is Dubai. I joked about it with Classy some months ago and now, as I remain unemployed it has moved from a total joke to only a partial one. I actually plan on speaking to someone about the possibilities there next week. It has resulted in me worrying about the future of my cats as well as me singing some bastardized version of a boy band song ("It maye seem crazy, but it ain't no lie. Dubai, bye, bye! (Bye! Bye!")

I almost invariably feel like I ramble in my blog but normally I have a story to tell or something to bitch about. In this case, I feel the "hook" is a video that probably no one will watch... and the amorpheous nature of this hook results in me not knowing if I've been rambling more or less than I normally do.

In the interests of pulling off the bandaid, I think I am going to end this one here. I am sorry if you feel cheated but I need to either pull some old adventures out of the deep freezer or have new ones so I can have something a little bit more normal (as far as my blogs go) to write about.

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