Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bits and pieces from a Friday night

There was no grand adventure last night. There was no single event or quote or person that made the Friday night at Ozzies different from all the others... but it had a series of odd conversations and occurrences. Here are a few.

Approximately 10:15 PM

Me: Wow, you look like you're in a hurry to get away from that guy.
Promo Girl Amiga: Yeah...
Me: Why? You are like fucking bulletproof from douchebags, aren't you? PGA: Well, he...
Me: Yeah?
PGA: He came up to me and said, "When I saw you enter the room, I thought you were the most beautiful asian women I've ever seen..."
Me: HAH!

Approximately 10:56 PM

Me (using left urinal): Are you going to sing again tonight?
Old Dude (using right urinal): I dunno... should I?
Me: Yes... it's not that busy, and you should get some more songs in.
OD: Good idea. (Finishing up.) You're a good guy. (Extends hand to me.)
Me: Uh... I'd shake your hand, but I currently am holding my penis.
OD: So if I held it for you, would you shake my hand then?
Me: Hehe? Uh. ...

Approximately 11:39 PM

Business School Chum (introducing me to his buddy): This is Ed. He's sort of a funny guy... a clown.
Me: Thanks. I think.
BSC: He'd tell jokes and some people would kinda laugh and I'd go home and look it up on Google and then laugh.

Approximately 12:06 AM

Me: Dude. What are you doing?
Buddy of a Female Friend: What?
Me: Why are you stroking my bangs?
BFF: (Mockingly) Oh, pretty, pretty hair!
Me: You're from Spokane, aren't you?
BFF: Yes.
Me: Yeah, I thought so.

Approximately 12:22 AM

Me: So... will you be my MySpace friend?
Female Friend of a Female Friend: Sure... if you can find me.
Female Friend: *snicker*
Me: (trying to make an innocent face) I'll see what I can do.

2:07 AM

Me (twittering): Ed is drinking beer. Wow.

2:24 AM

Me (twittering): Ed is drinking a beer... wow.

(Yes, it was the same beer. No, I did not remember that I'd just sent the other twitter. Yes, I am the slowest drinker of beer, evidently, in the history of the world. Oh, well...)

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